Lariat & Silverado
These bothers were born into an out-of-control situation involving
dozens of cats. Fortunately, their mom, smart kitty that she is, took
them across the road to a better situation. Already having all the cats
they could take good care of, the boys were brought to us. They were
lucky enough to find places with one of our amazing fosters, where they
got all the love and good care they needed. (Thank you, Susan!) Just one
more step on their journey to their forever home...and you!
Silverado, obviously the stunning silver tuxedo, and Lariat, his equally
handsome jet-black brother, are about 3 months old. They've been
neutered, wormed, had their first kitten shots and are good boys with
their litter box. Being fostered with other cats, dogs and kids, all of
whom the love, they have all the job skills needed to be the perfect
additions to any loving family. Here's what Susan, their foster mom, who
knows them best, has to say about her little charges:
These two boys will pounce their way into your heart with their
boisterous curiosity and exuberant personalities. Lariat and Silverado
love toys, attention, and are affectionate guys who will love to nuzzle
you and return your love three times over. Their playful acrobatics will
keep you amazed and laughing at their silly antics. Their favorite toy
is a fishing pole with a feather toy. Fishing for kittens is so much fun
for everyone!
A strongly bonded pair, Lariat and Silverado need to be adopted
together. For an adoption fee of just $120 for the pair, you'll have
lots of reasons to wake up with a smile for many years to come. To meet
them, please contact us through this post, or call Gina at
(480)779-9208. A barrel of laughs will be heading your way!